Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer so far

It's been almost two months since Hannah finished school. Since then we've been busy doing activities with our neighborhood playgroup. Most of the activities have been inside because of the heat. It lasts May-October.

Brian bought a motorcycle to commute to work to save money on gas. He drives about 60 miles a day. Several people asked me how I felt about it and I'm not really worried.

Hannah started a ballet and tumbling class. It meets every Monday until the end of July. She's enjoying it and loves practicing her moves at home. Tomorrow there is an extra event, Princess Camp. I think it will be a lot of fun for her.

About 3 weeks ago, Hannah started swimming lessons. We found a girl that does private lessons and I think it's been good for Hannah to have all of the attention.

Almost a month ago, I had Lasik eye surgery. Brian's been wanting me to have it done for about 10 years, but I didn't think it was a priority, plus I was nervous about having it done. On Mother's Day, Brian gave me a gift certificate to have it done, so I had no choice. ; ) I knew that I was a candidate because eye doctors have told me in the past that I was. It was a very quick procedure. I didn't have enough time to mentally prepare for what was happening, so after the procedure I cried. I was seeing blurry for about a day and my eyes were really dry. I went in for a follow up appointment and the doctor said I'm seeing some 20/20 letters. It will take up to 10 weeks from the surgery to see as well as I'm going to see. It's been great not to have to deal with contacts and glasses!

We celebrated July 4th by going to Schlitterbahn water park in Galveston. It was our first experience as a family going to a theme park. We spent most of our time on the lazy river. We went to Kemah boardwalk for dinner and saw the fireworks. The fireworks near us were cancelled due to lack of rain since April. That night we decided to stay in a hotel even though we were only an hour away from home.

July 5th was my birthday and in the morning we went to the Johnson Space Center. Brian received free tickets at work about 2 years ago and we never used them, so we decided since we were in the area, we would take the kids. We went on the tram tour and then the kids played in the play area. Most of the activities were over their head, so we didn't stay very long. We drove back home because Hannah had a swimming lesson. That night we went out to dinner at Carino's. It was my first experience sending back my food. I ordered Chicken Marsala and when I got it, it just didn't taste like Chicken Marsala I've had in the past. I felt really bad being one of those customers. I ended up ordering Chicken Alfredo, which was really good. For dessert we had birthday cake, yellow cake with chocolate frosting, my favorite, at Brian's parents house.

Noah's been talking more and more. He didn't talk as soon as Hannah did, but I wasn't worried. He's just much more active than she was. He makes us laugh with his silly personality and is such blessing to have in our family. He and Hannah get along pretty well, but they have their moments. I think he'll really miss her when she goes to school 4 days a week.

Hannah's birthday is coming up next month and I've been planning her party. We haven't had friends come to her birthday party since her 1st one, we've just done family parties. This year she's really been giving her input about what she wants and doesn't want. She's decided the guest list, 99% girls. We're doing a carnival theme (balloon animals, face painting, tattoos, pictures with clown noses, popcorn, funnel cakes, hotdogs, snow cones, and birthday cake), so it should be fun. My mom and sister will be coming to visit for her birthday too. One of the big events when she turns 5 is that she'll be getting her ears pierced. She's excited about it, I just don't know if she realizes it will hurt.

So that's been our summer so far. Only 7 more weeks until school starts.

1 comment:

Papi said...


Thanks for the update. I'm so glad that everything is going so well for all of you.

As always, I send my love and prayers to all.

Grandpa Mike