Some of the sweets

Our pumpkin

Trick or treat

Making sure Noah's following Hannah. Some people were out on their driveway with the candy, but Noah still wanted to go to their door.

I didn't have my camera on the right setting for this picture, which is why it's so light.

Tonight was the first time we went trick or treating in our neighborhood. Hannah was very excited and Noah was just glad to not be strapped in anywhere (car seat, stroller, wagon, or shopping cart). Noah wanted to take this baby doll with us, so Hannah carried his container for candy. I ended up carrying the baby doll most of the night and a few people thought it was a real baby. When we were almost back to our house, Hannah said "Trick or treating is hard work!". It made me laugh. While we were gone, Brian passed out candy. (We bought too much candy! I was thinking, should we buy candy I like, in case there are leftovers, or should we buy not so good candy, so then I won't be as tempted to eat it. Well we bought candy I like, so you know what that means? I won't have trouble finding chocolate in our house for awhile!) Once we were back home, there were still a few kids coming to the door, so we were able to help pass out candy too.
Thanks for the quick posting. I wish that I could have been there to see Hannah and Noah in action. I'm glad that everyone had a safe and fun time. I send my love and prayers to all.
Grandpa Mike
glad they had fun!
sounds like seth with the baby. he takes baby marcus everywhere. yep still. even at 6. its the sweetest, dirtiest, coolest baby ever.
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