Monday, February 22, 2010

Day at the zoo/Surprise birthday party for Noah

All of the kids (Aubrey, Noah, Amelia, Brennan, Nate, and Amy) minus Hannah. She was in a grumpy mood and didn't want to be in the picture.
Noah and Brennan "fighting" over Cheerios They're a day apart. Noah's birthday is 2/23 and Brennan's is 2/24. Happy 1st Birthday you two!
puppy dog cake
Our lunch
My friends Tammy, Cathi, Chaeli, and Lindsay planned a surprise party for Noah's 1st birthday at the zoo.
On the playground
Hannah brushing a goat
Brennan, Amy, Hannah, and Noah in an eagle's nest
An orangutan trying on a construction hat.
This morning Hannah, Noah and I met some friends at the Houston zoo.


Lindsay said...

Wow...I'm so impressed that you took all those great pictures and already were able to blog. Love the pic of the 4 kids in the nest.

We had a fun time today. Happy birthday Noah! Thanks for letting Amelia carry around your new cars for a bit. It made her feel like one of the big kids! :)

Sarah said...

sounds like fun. we may have to venture there the next time we are in the area ;)

Murillo Family said...

How fun!

JamieB said...

soo fun! i love that your friends planned this for you guys!
Happy Birthday Noah!!